Settlement Agreement Reached For One C.V. Bar For Violating Governor’s Proclamation
***UPDATE*** In a press release, the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD) has reached a settlement agreement with one area bar as a result of hearing complaints filed last week for violations of Governor Reynolds’ emergency public health disaster proclamation.
Edo’s Sports Bar in Waterloo has agreed to pay a $1000 civil penalty. Edo's was accused of failing to ensure at least six feet of social distancing, and not serving food to those also consuming alcoholic beverages. The Knights of Pythias-Furgerson Lodge #5 in Waterloo was also accused of failing to comply, there is no word on the outcome of that case.
(Originally published Sept. 24, 2020)
On August 27th, Governor Kim Reynolds issued a proclamation that ordered bars to close in Black Hawk county. Then on September 16th, she allowed bars in Black Hawk county to re-open four days earlier than the original end date.
However, it appears that some establishments didn't play by the rules. The Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD) has announced that it has filed hearing complaints on six businesses for violations of Governor Reynolds’ emergency public health disaster proclamation. Two of those are in Waterloo.
According to an ABD press release: one bar is the Knights of Pythias-Furgerson Lodge #5, located at 244 Ash Street in Waterloo. "On or about September 9, the licensee failed to comply with the Governor’s August 27 Proclamation of Disaster Emergency by opening the business to the general public."
Also listed is Edo’s Sports Bar 110 E. 11th Street in Waterloo. "On or about September 11, the licensee failed to comply with the Governor’s August 27 Proclamation of Disaster Emergency by: failing to ensure at least six feet of physical distance between each group or individual dining or drinking alone; failing to ensure that all customers who were served alcoholic beverages were also served food; and/or failing to ensure that all patrons were seated at a table, booth or bar while consuming their food and beverages."
Both bars face a civil penalty for their violations and have the right to appeal. The ABD press release mentions, "any licensed establishment in violation of the governor’s proclamation will be held accountable and risk a fine, suspension or revocation of its license".

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