Between the Cedar Valley Humane Society, Last Hope Animal Rescue in Cedar Rapids, and Safe Haven in Marengo, more than $30,000 was raised from the 'Betty White Challenge.'

As seen below, each shelter shared their gratitude for the donations on their respective Facebook pages.

The Cedar Valley Humane Society had this to say:

This means SO much to our organization and our animals. We cannot thank our supporters enough. You all have truly made our organization, our animals lives and ours better for knowing you- even if it's just through phone calls, Facebook messages, the letters you send us, or seeing you here in person! Even a simple "thank you for all you do" makes our day. We couldn't do what we do without you- so thank YOU for all YOU do.


On behalf of Last Hope, their post said this:

You are AWESOME! Thank you to everyone who donated. Because of YOU, we can continue to spay/neuter, get vet care for, feed, and save the lives of animals.

And this is what Safe Haven added:

We are floored by the amount of support and funds we received in just one day. ... From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all so, so much.

The beloved actress passed away on New Year's Eve of 2021, just over two weeks away from her 100th birthday. According to the Washington Post, White received a barrage of awards and recognitions for what she did for animals over her lifetime:

"In 2006, White was honored as the City of Los Angeles’ “Ambassador to the Animals” for her lifelong work for animal welfare. She was later named an honorary zookeeper by the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keepers. She also started numerous charities, including a fund that does research on wildlife disasters, like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and 2020′s wildfires in Australia. She quietly paid for a plane to rescue penguins and sea otters who needed to be relocated from New Orleans’s zoo and aquarium during Hurricane Katrina."

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