One Free Beer for Unfollowing Miller Lite on Social Media
If you've grown tired of the whole Carson King saga...and possibly even "forgiven" Busch Light and moved on...Miller Lite is making a new offer...
They'll give you a FREE BEER...if you UN-FOLLOW them on Facebook or Instagram. Keep in mind...it's ONE free beer. Not a case, not a year's supply...ONE free beer. What seems like a "good deed" and the right thing to do...sort of just comes off as a marketing tactic. So why are they doing this? They say they want people to spend more time with friends and less time staring at their phones. The premise is "a few friends are better than a few thousand followers." And Miller Lite is also going to, quote, "take a break from posting" for a while.
If you want to get in on the deal, the process has a lot of steps (and a lot of time staring at your phone). You have to text them a screenshot that proves you're not following them on either Facebook or Instagram, Text 49375 with the word "UNFOLLOW" and they'll send you a link. Then you go to that link, upload a receipt showing you bought a Miller Lite at a bar, and they'll deposit the cost of the beer in your PayPal account. This offer is good until November 29th or until 118,000 free beers have been handed out.
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