Cade Ingle has consulted with hundreds of homeowners, real estate agents and property managers designing effective solutions for every one of them. Cade is a trusted and valued member of the Midwest Basement Systems team and upholds the standards of the company. Cade has been thoroughly trained and has earned the highly esteemed title "CERTIFIED Waterproofing Professional" through the Basement Systems International Waterproofing Contractor Network and "Foundation Design Repair Specialist" through the Foundation Supportworks Contractor Network. Midwest Basement Systems is the exclusive regional dealer for the Basement Systems International Waterproofing Contractor Network - a group of over 300 of the best waterproofing contractors in the world, who have exclusive access to patented products, comprehensive training and support through the international company. Cade enjoys meeting with customers and helping them solve their basement problems, enabling them to get more out of their homes.

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