Iowa State University officials on Monday acknowledged that several people were injured after a fan fell from the upper deck at Jack Trice Stadium during the game against Oklahoma State.

Witnesses to the incident say that the fan who fell was animated and conversational and really seemed to be enjoying the game. They say that the fall appeared to happen in the first quarter after ISU missed a potential interception. The fan stood up emphatically and leaned forward. Soon after, the fan was gone. Witnesses say that he "just went over", and that it was clearly a freak accident.

In an email to the Des Moines Register, Iowa State Officials shared additional details from what was initially released on Sunday. The school's statement said:

A fan fell from the second balcony on the stadium's east side during the first half of the football game versus Oklahoma State. The fan landed on fans sitting in the lower bowl. Emergency medical professionals imediately responded and provided treatment.

The statement went on to say that the fan fell at least 25 feet to the section in the lower bowl. ISU officials say that wish a quick recovery for all the fans involved. The identities of the injured fans are not being released at this time.


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