Is It Too Early to Turn on Your Christmas Lights?
A week ago, the landscaping consisted of skeletons, ghosts, black cats, pumpkins and gravestones, and now the 'Holiday Switch' has apparently been flipped.
With seven consecutive days of 70* or higher this past week -- which is unheard of in November -- many people used the opportunity to string up the holiday lights on their property.
I couldn't believe how many twinkling Christmas lights I saw ablaze in my neighborhood last night on my drive home. Did this upset me? Not at all, but it does seem a bit early. It's still over two weeks away from Thanksgiving!
However, 2020 has been an awfully different year, so I guess all bets are all this holiday season, and many of us could use a little extra boost of cheer this year.
I've noticed over the years that many retailers start bringing out their Christmas items as early as September. Martha Stewart's website noted that on Etsy's marketplace, they saw a 359 % increase in holiday décor shopping in September alone.
According to a few websites like,, they believe that Holiday Displays are alright to go up as early as Black Friday and take down before January 6th --- Three King's Day, which is 12 days after Christmas.
Other websites suggest, put up your lights whenever you feel like, but PLEASE do NOT turn them on until the 1st of December.
I'm a traditionalist in my own way. I've always told my kids, "No Christmas decorations until December 1st." I need a bit of separation between my holidays to help keep my sanity. Ho Ho Ho. Now get me some eggnog.
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