Fishing Report for the Weekend of 2/24
The warm weather took some ice off of area lakes, depleting our ability to ice fish. There are still places to drop a line. Below is the Iowa DNR Fishing Report for the weekend of 2/24.
Cedar River (above Nashua)
The Cedar River is ice free. Water levels are falling after the majority of snow melted earlier in the week. Water clarity is poor. Gaging stations are now operational Visit the USGS Current Water Data website for more information.
Decorah District Streams
Streams are in fair condition, but flows remain high. Rain/snow will turn streams off color, but streams with better water quality will clear quicker. Gravel roads are beginning to get soft as the frost goes out. Decent hatches of caddis flies and midges have been occurring with the recent spring-like weather. A few early stonefly hatches have also been noticed. Brook Trout - Fair: Use flies or lures that look like sculpins, dace or suckers. Brown Trout - Good: Fishing when the water turns off color from run-off will turn the browns on. Try critters imitating small caddis fly larvae or gnats hatching off the water. Rainbow Trout - Fair: Black fly midge or hares ear wet flies are attracting bows fished in the riffles. Slowly pull a black bead head fly with a yellow scud dropper through the upper and lower ends of pools for trout in deeper water.
Lake Hendricks
Ice fishing is not recommended at this time.
Lake Meyer
Ice fishing is not recommended at this time.
Turkey River (above Clermont)
The Turkey River is ice free. Water levels are falling, but the river remains up. Water clarity is poor. Forecast rain/snow amount will dictate river conditions for the next several days.
Upper Iowa River (above Decorah)
The Upper Iowa River is ice free. Water levels are falling after the majority of snow melted earlier in the week. Water clarity is poor. Gaging stations are now operational. Visit the USGS Current Water Data website for more information. Walleye - Slow: Anglers were catching a few walleye below lower dam before the snowmelt.
Volga Lake
Ice fishing is not recommended at this time.
Winter is back in the northeast corner of the state. Snow/rain, potentially heavy depending on where the front goes, may impact many areas this weekend. Check Iowa 511 for road conditions. Many area rivers are swollen and dirty with snowmelt. For current fishing information, please call the Decorah Fish Hatchery at 563-382-8324.
Cedar River (Nashua to La Porte City)
The Cedar River is currently high and dirty.
Shell Rock River (Greene to Shell Rock)
The Shell Rock is currently high and dirty. No good fishing reports for this week.
Wapsipinicon River (Tripoli to Troy Mills)
There have been no reports for the Wapsipinicon River this week.
Ice fishing is officially over. Interior rivers are currently high and dirty from recent snow melts. Area trout streams are in excellent condition, contact the N.E. District Office at 563-927-3276 for more information.