March 26 7:05 PM - March 27 6:05 PM
Young Arena
Waterloo, IA United States

Additional Information

Friday night vs. Fargo Force
It's "Super Hero Night", join the Black Hawks in celebrating the many heroes of the Cedar Valley by printing and personalizing the graphic on their Facebook page. Bring yours to the game or send them a photo for a chance to be featured on game night. It's Waverly night, residents of Waverly can get $10 tickets. Plus, 2-for-1 Bud Light Tall Boys through the 1st period. Doors open at 6:05pm, game time is 7:05pm.

Saturday night vs. Dubuque Fight Saints
Join your friends Saturday night in The Coors Light Cold Zone before the game for a chance to win a Miller Lite or Coors Light basketball jersey. Fans 21+ can get 2-for-1 Coors Lights (through the 1st period) and Mike's Hard Lemonade Seltzers will be buy 3 get 1 free all game. It's Oelwein night, residents of Oelwein can get $10 tickets. Doors open at 5:05pm, game time it 6:05pm.

Purchase your tickets here.