Easy Ways To Burn 200+ Calories During An Iowa Winter
If you're trying to get some weight off in the new year, here are some not-too-grueling activities that can burn 200 calories in under an hour and theses can all be done during even the nastiest Iowa winter:
- Bowling. Tossing that ball over and over again will burn 219 calories in an hour.
- A casual stationary bike ride. Even if you keep it under 10 miles an hour, you'll burn 292 calories in 60 minutes. Plus, you can watch TV or listen to us while doing it!
- 'Jogging' on the elliptical. Similar to biking on a stationary bike, you can do this at the gym and multitask with music or TV. It burns 365 calories an hour or more, even at a slow pace.
- Ballroom dancing. Even if you're a beginner, you'll shed at least 219 calories an hour
- Casual downhill skiing or snowboarding. Around 314 calories an hour. Now for this one you'll have to be outside and you may have to travel (try Sundown Mountain in Dubuque!) but it's totally worth it!
- Ice skating. A whopping 511 calories an hour.
- Water aerobics. 402 calories an hour. Find an indoor pool, like the one at the SportsPlex, and you're set!
(SOURCE: Business Insider)