Over the weekend we were visited by a local celebrity. After what felt like a very long wait, the viral Tik Tok star Gucci the cow finally came to Waterloo.

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Mason Corkery, a Jesup man went viral on Tik Tok for his videos featuring his pet cow named Gucci. The very first video of theirs to catch our attention was of Gucci riding shotgun in Mason's truck. Initially, we thought that Gucci had escaped and that Corkery was trying to bring him home as fast as possible. In reality, Corkery was given the cow by his boss and was bringing him back to his home in Jesup.

The history behind the man and cow is quite a sweet one. This seven-month-old calf has always been close with Corkery, and they had a special bond from the beginning. Mason admits that this bovine was the one that came to him one day. Gucci did also have a sister named Boujie, but she, unfortunately, passed away, according to the Iowa Tik Tok star.

iowacholadoc via Tik Tok
iowacholadoc via Tik Tok

Then the duo really took off when Corkery took the bovine to Dairy Queen. That video got almost five million views on the social media app overnight. Ever since this major hit, Corkery's followers have been encouraging him to take his pet on yet another adventure, this time to Chick-Fil-A.

The duo pulled up up the Waterloo location early Saturday morning. Corkery got a fruit cup for his pet. When placing the order, the young man gleefully responded that the food would be for Gucci.

We witnessed the full Chick-Fil-A excursion live, and you can watch that here.

You can check out the full video of Mason and Gucci at the Waterloo Chick-Fil-A down below!

Hilarious Iowa DOT Signs

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