Greg Dwyer started in radio as Marconi's Street Guy. He pioneered such bits as "Take The Black Plague Challenge" and "Battle Of The Sexes." Later, he and Bill Michaels rewrote the book of morning radio in Peoria. That book turned out to be more of a Cliff's Notes, and they promptly left The Caterpillar City for the green of John Deere. Heck, that was in 1990. If this link is still working, then they must still be employed!
Is There a Shortage on Soda Because of A Lack of Aluminum Cans?
I guess I'll just buy as many cans as I can carry.
Top Burrito Fun Facts For National Burrito Day
The Mexican dish is popular all over the world, but it has only been offered in American restaurants since the 1930s.
Mountain Dew Doritos Are Now a Thing
I don't even know what we're doing anymore.
10 Interesting Facts About Super Bowl LIV
This game will be making a lot of history.
The Most Legendary 49ers ‘Man Cave’ in America
All this in "Packer land", ouch........
Buffalo Wild Wings Promises Free Wings if Super Bowl Goes Into Overtime
I hope they lose their bet.
Home Depot Delivery Driver In Trouble For Leaving Note Saying “See You Next Time”
I just figured they were coming next Tuesday.
The Miller High Life Champagne Bottle is BACK!
Grab the High Life this Christmas.