The next time you visit NewBo City Market in Cedar Rapids, be sure to stop by their new bakery K.C. Cakes!

K.C. Cakes, Facebook
K.C. Cakes, Facebook

K.C. Cakes is owned and operated by Krystan Proctor and her fiancé Alex, and Krystan got her start baking cakes for her six kids. She told me, "every single year I'd make them new, crazy birthday cakes in any flavor they wanted." K.C. Cakes was born during the height of the pandemic when Alex (who is a USMC veteran) encouraged Krystan to follow her passion and open up a bakery. She would deliver her cakes to people's front doors, eventually becoming so popular that she was selling out daily! That's when they decided to start guest-vending at NewBo City Market in Cedar Rapids.

After that, life got pretty crazy for Krystan, Alex, and their family. She said:

"A few months into all of this, life again decided to surprise me with our last and final baby. With my pregnancies as bad as they are, I ended up, again, having to put my dream on the back burner. About a year after our daughter was born, Alex found out he needed spinal surgery and was no longer able to work the only career he's ever known, construction. We ultimately decided to open up K.C. Cakes again this last summer, but this time Alex learned how to bake and now helps full time as much as I do. Within a few months, our hard work paid off and we were offered a spot at NewBo."

K.C. Cakes offers all sorts of baked goods, including mini cakes, brownies, cookies, and cheesecake. They held their official grand opening at NewBo last Saturday, November 25th! You can also order products for delivery on DoorDash.

NewBo City Market is open Thursday & Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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