2018’s Halloween Costume of the Year
Of all the costumes put on social media, this costume garnered the most attention.
There were very popular costumes this year. I alone couldn't count the number of Iron Man's Spiderman's or PJ Masks costumes I saw whether it was at Waterloo's Downtown Trick-or-Treat or at Boo in the Loo.
But it seems that every year there is one costume that gets put on social media that takes the world by storm and goes viral. This year, that honor goes to a 2-year-old from the Philippines whose 'headless girl' costume has over 12 million views on multiple social media platforms. What's really ingenious about her costume is that (SPOILER ALERT) where her head is supposed to be is actually the bucket for people to put the candy in.
Check out the 'headless girl' costume that is the winner of Halloween 2018.