The Fact Is....

There's a dude who has 100 orgasms a day.  He doesn't like it.

Photo: Barcroft TV via Youtube
Photo: Barcroft TV via Youtube

His name is Dale Decker.  He's a 37 year old from Wisconsin.  He has some back issues and that's what caused this crazy affliction.  Decker slipped a disc in his back and now has PGAS, or Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome.  Yep, he has involuntary orgasms up to 100 times a day.  I would say that this is NOT a problem, but when you watch the video, you'll see that he has massive orgasms that drop him to his knees and he can barely leave the house.

Ummmm, isn't that was all 12 - 14 year old boys want anyway.  And a lot of new socks.

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