Getting older SUCKS...well, kind of. Today is one of those days where I find myself battling several qualities of getting older. I have heartburn, I pooped 3 times today none of which were solid enough to declare a success and I found myself going through the house and office turning off lights. I'm officially an old fart!

With that being said, I think there are some advantages to getting older. My dad says it's the senior discount. I keep telling him that it's happy hour, but whatever. When you eat dinner at 4:30, everything is cheaper. I say that getting older gives you a sense of the world that young people only THINK they have. Sure, my 4  year old can maneuver around an Ipad quicker than I can and my 11 year old can sprint through his weird math equations before I can even get the first part read, but I also know look before I step. I know that wanting something and needing something are two different things and I'm good with that. I know that some people make a lot more money than I do and can have shiny, brand new cars. Good for them. I don't care.

I don't care because I know those things are only here for an instant. I know that those people who want 90 inch TV's and really nice, bedazzled jeans will always be trying to keep up. As I get older, I find myself caring less and less about that bullcrap and more and more about my relationship with my kids and family. Sure, I still make dumb life decisions, but I make more decisions that are good.

And the best part of all about getting older....Gray hair is the new "In Thing"! HA! Look who set a trend. That's right...OLD PEOPLE! Suck it young ones! We will always rule!

(Video Courtesy of America's Funniest Home Videos via Youtube)


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