July 29, 2016 | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Prairie Links Golf Course
19 Eagle Ridge Dr, Waverly,
(319) 352-1229

Additional Information

The Lags Memorial Golf Tournament will be held July 29th at Prairie Links Golf Course in Waverly. The 4 person best shot tournament will begin at 9:00 AM with registration, raffle prizes and games, followed by a shotgun start at 11:00 AM.

The post-golf party is open to the public and will take place at Joe’s Knight Hawk, where the tournament results will be announced, awards will be given, and the calendar girls will host a calendar signing.


The Hooters Girls are doing a four day swing July 27th - 30th through the Cedar Valley raising money for Self-Help International in memory of the late Dave “Lags” Lageschulte, Hooters franchise owner, Waverly native, and long-time supporter of Self-Help International. Miss

Hooters International Sable Robbert will join Iowa Hooters Girls Rachel Cillick, Kaitlin Johnson, Rachel Schabilion and Amanda Valenzuela for the tournament and other events.


“It’s fitting to host the tournament here in Waverly since it’s in memory of a man with such incredible hometown pride,”  - Golf tournament chair Ted Waitman

Waitman encourages advance registration is recommended as the field is limited. Registration and $500 payment per foursome should be submitted as soon as possible. Visit giveahootforselfhelp.wordpress.com to register online or download the registration form. You may also email Ted Waitman at waitmant@cpm.net to reserve a spot today.