
Iowa Has Some Bridges They Want to Sell You
Iowa Has Some Bridges They Want to Sell You
Iowa Has Some Bridges They Want to Sell You
The Iowa Department of Transportation has been monitoring the state's bridges and when they find issues, depending on what problems are found, they schedule each bridge for reconstruction, demolition and rebuild, or they sell it!
Some Weird Stuff You Can Buy Off of Cedar Rapids Craigslist
Some Weird Stuff You Can Buy Off of Cedar Rapids Craigslist
Some Weird Stuff You Can Buy Off of Cedar Rapids Craigslist
Anyone with stuff they don't want can always put it up for sale on Craigslist. As the old saying goes, "One person's garbage is another's gold" You find crap around the house, or after a family member passes and you're having to go through their affairs, you will, NO DOUBT, find things no one needs. But alas, someone right now is looking for that worthless piece of crap you have and willing to pay you for it!
Least Expensive Homes You’ll Find In Eastern Iowa
Least Expensive Homes You’ll Find In Eastern Iowa
Least Expensive Homes You’ll Find In Eastern Iowa
If you're looking for your first home or maybe if you're thinking about investing in a home as a source of income, I've found some inexpensive options that could get you on your way. With some updating and work, these homes have real possibilities.

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